Thursday, November 19, 2009


I kind of failed greatly at the whole updating constantly thing. Not ideal really.

Christmas is kind of hurtling at us rather quickly. Strange really, I feel almost like I spent much of this year waiting only to find myself no further along that I was already. Le sigh. It is the ennui.

I started a new workplace, which we'll call....The Pantry, which started well initially. So much raw information at my hands, so many pretty graphs to make. However, I was asked (at v. short notice!) to do a report on waitlist data that was kept in freaking Word (!), which I diligently did.....only to discover that it was re-done by someone else. Every time I try to do something there, I am shot down, and made to feel like I am not as worthy..... all because I'm not clinical psych. I was warned, but didn't listen. However, I am going to take those three days a fortnight as for what they are - gifted study hours for the test of great evilness. I'm sort of vaguely attempting to be more onto it at the Zoo and the Dungeon, but I am not doing so well. I'm letting too much fall by the wayside and I can't motivate myself to do something about that.

Studying for that is going well, I feel more confident already. Quietly confident. I don't want to speak too much about it, but I"m holding it together. I still haven't told family, but I'm not hiding it at work. Just keeping holding on. Concepts are sticking better now.

I did another triathlon on the weekend - or rather, I did two thirds. I had to pull out after the bike leg because I couldn't breathe properly and I couldn't walk/run at all (stupid knee). Everytime I tried to take a breath, I would feel a sphere of burning pain behind my sternum and taste blood int he back of my throat. Not ideal really. It sort of resolved over the next 20 min while we rested, but I was wheezy and coughy all of Sunday, and same on Monday if I dared to walk up two flights of stairs at the Dungeon. Went to the Dr, apparently I had an asthma attack. I am fully medicated now - and since the GP Nurse has called me today, I'm guessing I'm also anaemic. Joy o Joy - maybe giving blood wasn't the greatest idea? I was just a little excited - first time in three years!

What's with the recent Road Safety ads saying that if you drive at 60km/h, you'll die and kill someone? That's the standard in Queensland; it's what I naturally sit at (speaking of which, I have my Full Licence now!!! I made it without a speeding ticket!).

Guy Fawkes came and went, I enjoyed the pretty, didn't enjoy the burning - a couple of sparklers singed my finger. Left a delightful blister and a burn mark on the deck from where I threw the damn sparkler.

I'm going to try the post every day ...or maybe every other day thing. I'll find some sort of inspiration.

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