Friday, March 25, 2011


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Just got confirmation of approval today for ACL surgery.....for the second of freaking May!!! That's right, 6 months post injury (and yes, I know it's more likely to have a good result because of the waiting but I just don't care!) and two months after the initial date that I was given by my surgeon. I am totes going to write a complaint about the secretary sitting on the referral letter for three weeks, and only sending it off because I was so upset. It's called doing your damn JOB! If I had been able to go to just any surgeon, it wouldn't be this long but because I have hypermobile patella + TTT, I have to see this one. Dammit.

In other news, gamsat exam tomorrow. Crossing of the fingers and toes and wearing of all good luck charms. I don't know that I'll even apply this year, but all I want is a freaking 50 in the science section. I couldn't take it if I got a 49 again.

Ha, I should get my results at the same time I'll be allowed to fly to Brisbane (4.5 months late).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh, Japan

There really isn't a lot to say - I'm horrified that the Ring of Fire has struck again, I'm horrified that I sat there on the couch just watching the tsunami come in live, I'm horrified that I breathed a sigh of relief that my cousins' friends were further south and were safe, I'm just so sorry.

I'm also horrified about that people like this exist. FYI nutters, the earthquake/tsunami wasn't about America! Thank goodness there are sane Americans who are just as disgusted at the ignorance and heartlessness that these people have shown.

People on the Americas rim of the Ring of Fire - please be prepared with water, full cellphone batteries, escape plans. I don't want the rule of three to be true, but better safe than sorry.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


ATTENTION! The travel authorization submitted on April 7, 2009 via ESTA will expire within the next 30 days. It is not possible to extend or renew a current ESTA. You will need to apply for a new ESTA. Please reapply at if travel to the United States is intended in the near future. If there are 30 or more days left on the old authorization you will receive a warning message during the application and be asked if you wish to proceed.

Ummm, thanks USA Immigration? Who knew that the visa waiver lasts for two years!