Sunday, December 20, 2009

Adventures in Pre-Christmas Shopping

I always leave my Christmas shopping till the last minute. I like the atmosphere, I like the adrenaline of "oh, fuck - what the hell am I going to get Nana/Baby K/Neighbour Boy/random stranger on the street", I like the ability to go shopping late at night and the sun is still up. So this morning when I considered that I had plenty of time to go shopping, I decided to stay in bed (a good thing really since it decided that raining in December was appropriate) reading blogs. Specifically this blog, in all my creepy OCD tendency to read from the very beginning, like it is a book. I know. Creepy.

Anyway, since I'm lazy and it was raining, I stayed in bed while the others went out. And then got back home. Opps.

12.04pm Should really get going

12.05pm Maybe I'll read just one more month

12.11pm Ok, really should get going

12.24pm Why do I have no clean clothes?

12.26pm Decide that an outfit of 75% clean clothes is close enough. I do live out west afterall.

12.42pm Finish mocking my aunt for "camping menus and scheduled activities"

12.56pm Can't find hair brush, decide that messy hair in a ponytail is so in season, and refer to living out west again

1.12pm Have wallet and phone. Where did I put my keys?

1.14pm Start reading teh internets again. Wonder if the prominent NZ comedian is just as prominent as the prominent NZ entertainer ......i.e. not prominent at all and the name suppression didn't work - nor did he deserve it based on his future "record sales". Ass.

1.17pm Realise that this isn't helping me to find my keys. Resume search.

1.32pm Feeling a little frantic, have now lost keys and phone

1.37pm Recall that phone can be rung, dumbass, and proceed to ring it. Am very thankful that phone has an extra loud vibration, although I do occasionally wonder if my aunt thinks I am frequently using a vibrator late at night when someone txts me.

1.45om Realise that I have spent half a freaking hour looking for my keys and nothing. Shit. Have a look in my car - notice that it is really messy and resolve to clean it when back from shopping.

1.46pm Whine to my aunt that I can't find my keys. Ignore the mocking. Ask Baby K if she has seen them (No, and can't you see I'm busy sunbathing? And massaging the neighbour boy?) (Yes, she was wearing sunblock, and yes all of their clothes were on)

1.52pm Whining totally worked, Aunt is helping look.

1.53pm Keys are not in the fridge or freezer.

2.05pm Still no keys. Dammit.

2.15pm Aunt asks me when I last saw them. I think really really hard cos I already tried this game. I remember asking Kathryn to get yesterday's presents out of the boot, but already looked in that present pile and nothing.

2.17pm Hear triumphant yell from outside. My aunt hands me the keys from inside my boot, and damn they are hot from being in the hot car. I delight in their delicious burningness for my keys are here, in my hand and they burn with their realness.

2.18pm Realise that I will never live this down. Sigh.

That's right, a whole fucking hour it took me to find my keys. The hell? Last time I trust a 7 year old with my keys.

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