Monday, February 21, 2011

Spitting Tacks

I have almost given up on making plans; 2011 seems to want to have it's way with me, without allowing me to participate. I was supposed to move to Brisvegas in early January, but then I ruptured my ACL playing touch. Determined that it was nothing more than a flesh wound, I discarded the crutches a couple of days later, and went back to work (mocked rather mercilessly by my colleagues for the limp, which was infinitely better than sympathy). Finally got in to see the ortho surgeon six weeks later, MRI just before Christmas, saw ortho surgeon again a month later (19th of Jan), gave me a date for surgery of the 7th of March and so I waited for approval from ACC (NZ's Accident Cover) and rearranged my life to fit with this timeframe. Two weeks later, I had nary received a letter of acknowledgement, so I go call ACC - only to be told that they haven't received anything from the ortho. Spitting tacks, I call the secretary and ask why. Apparently it wasn't sent - despite being dictated as I sat there in the appointment on the 19th. Letter gets sent the following day (what a coincidence!) and I am told that it will take two to four weeks.

I call today, and apparently it's going to take 20 working days from when they sent the letter off for review. When was that? The fucking 11th. There is no chance in me having the surgery on the 7th now (although I cried on the phone to the secretary, so she's holding it open for me), a small but unlikely chance on the 21st, but most likely on the 4th of April.

Based on a surgery date of the 7th, I finally booked a ticket to Brisbane for the 11th of April. Anyone see an issue here? So not only is this not my fault, but I am going to have to pay for a change in date, and because there is a job which I hope I get I need to be in Brisbane by the last week of April, I am going to need to upgrade to business class. FFS, I would be fine with this if I had done something to cause it to be delayed, but I didn't and there is nothing I can do to push it along.

I just about had a panic attack in the office today, trying to work it all out. I want, need, wish it to come right, and happen as I had it planned. Please.

My day was saved by my friend txting me to tell me that her first baby scan went well, and she's a few weeks further along than she thought. Hurrah!

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