Thursday, April 29, 2010

I need to find a good hiding spot

A major component of my work project (at the Pantry) has just screeched to a resounding halt. I can either hope to use some of the savings I made in my project budget to get a vodem stick, hire one from work and hope that the Pantry will pick it up, or dash down to Esquires and have a "coffee" and steal their wireless. We're supposed to go live in the next week, so I'm in a bit of a state.

Results are still too far away and too close. I was talking about this with a friend as we scrambled up the side of (n)one tree hill, and realised that even if I get a high enough score to get into Sandstone University*, I'm not sure that I'd take it. The large class and the things I've heard, scare me. I think I'd rather chance it with a interviewing school and then if I'm not successful, go with Sandstone next year. I think I'm leaning towards Underwear University* or Supermarket University* or Last Train University*, I have no idea of how I'd preference them and I know that I'd be happy in any of them as they all have small classes. So it's down to New but Far Away state vs Expensive city but Early Clinical Skills vs Early Patient Contact. Toe told me that I would get a 66, 69 and 72. I hope that she's right.

I've decided that I need to be more girly and take some pride in my appearance. To that end, I will get my ears repierced this weekend. Where does an (semi) adult get ears pierced? Do I go to a tattoo store or will a chemist do it? Questions to ponder.

*Yes, I know I've made up stupid names but some attempt at anonminity is better than none.

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