Friday, April 30, 2010

American Cheese and Sheeps

I watched America's Next Top Model just now, and I am embarrassed for New Zealand. Oh the shame. They had a lacklustre haka performed at the top of Mt Eden (which also raises the question, why weren't they welcomed properly at a Marae?) and all over it was shameful.

Oh! The photoshoot was with a sheep. In the country. How the hell are we going to get rid of the sheep jokes again? Damn sheeps.

Which actually reminds me, a few weeks ago Toe and I were running up One Tree Hill and as we crossed the paddock to the start of Iguana track (yes, I know sheep paddocks in the middle of the city, haha, New Zealand is so backwards), all the sheep in the paddock started running away from us. Not just the ones near us, but from the back reaches of the paddock. They were really going for it, with this wild look to their eyes. Naturally, I freaked out because I didn't know what they were doing (and I'd just had a run in with a cow when I jumped over the stye). All of them ran to a certain point in the stone fence, where they jumped over, crossed the road and scrambled up the side of the the hill. Seriously. Naturally, we followed them, because we are sheep also. Cars on the road were stopped, and tourists were taking photos. It was so bizarre. Not a single sheep was left in the first paddock, they were all grazing at the beginning of iguana track. WTF? There was a few pieces of hay lying around, but it wasn't like there was any less in the first paddock. There was no farmer, and the (evil) cows stayed exactly where they were. I wish I'd have had the presence of mind to take video of it.

Of course, a couple of days later the sheep started sneezing everytime we walked passed them, and now Toe and I are convinced that sheep flu will be the next flu to hit us. Toe is convinced that one of them will answer to "Wonky Donkey" like "Minty" did last year.

That wasn't what I came here to post; I was so embarrassed of the portrayal of NZ in ANTM, that I wanted to show people some decent Kapa Haka/Powhiri. I couldn't really find anything I liked, I must put up some of my cousin's stuff on youtube. Here is so stuff that is good (ok, so I like Hosea Gear with his shirt off). Much, much better than the haka of ANTM:

Yes, they are saying that they will slit your throat. Rugby is war, this is a challenge.

And as always, I end up with Poi E

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