Thursday, February 5, 2009

Making Myself Happy

One emo post deserves a happy, random one. So here we go:

I really like Auckland beaches. The West Coast is wild and rugged with iron sand that burns you feet for even thinking of standing on it, the waves are notoriusly dangerous and wild with rapidly shifting rips; the East Coast is more sheltered with white sand and gentle rolling waves. I went to the beach this afternoon to meet up with some friends but got the timing wrong so I just sat down for an hour and centred myself. The waves were barely lapping at the shore, the sun was setting and the humidity disappeared. Before I left my aunt's place this afternoon, I noticed that Auckland was hazed over - this only happens when the humdity is around 95% in the late afternoon. But sitting on that beach, all of my worries and stress of the past week didn't matter. What mattered was the sound of the ocean and the feel of my soul being calmed. It was peaceful.

Hell I'm even sitting under a pohutukawa tree! How much more quintessential kiwi can you get?

This looks weird but it's from laying down looking up

I don't think that I could ever live somewhere with no beach. Living in london was torture, and the second I saw the beach coming in to land at Auckland airport, I was calmer and felt more secure.

You wouldn't think that I would be a beach person. Despite being a Dallie, i'm as white as they come. I burn like the dickins in nz and I don't like the transition from being wet to dry. But seeing the ocean gives me a feeling of peace, its part of why I love the drive into work, my motorway goes right along and over the sea.

I have mad skillz - I took this as I was going 100km approaching a corner

The "skyline" of Auckland. Yup - that's the whole city

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