Sunday, July 26, 2009

I swear I'm not lazy

My ex... no more

Maybe I should...
...clean my shoes for the gym

I love...

People would say that I'm...

I don't understand...
...why people have to prove that they are right, and only they are right

When I wake up in the morning...
...I am confused and cold

Life is full of...

My past is...
...something I want to move on from

Parties are...

I wish...
...I could see the future

...I am in the dungeon (aka inpatient unit)

I have low tolerance...
...for bad drivers and ignorant/rude/stupid people

I am totally terrified of...
...animals and cotton wool

If I had a million dollars...
...I would take the day off

I am...

My home is...

My parents taught me...
... that no problem can't be attacked with knowledge and perseverance

Every day... another chance to change a little

My life... starting

If I found out my ex was gay...
...I would have some more self doubt

Boys are...
...silly and missing

Girls are...

I hate people who...
...are intolerant/ignorant/stupid

Last November...
...I finished my thesis

Hickory Dickory Dock...
...I wonder what happened to our Grandfather clock

The best invention ever...

I love it when...
... the sun shines

Sometimes I...
... do silly things

I work...
... with crazy people and the mentally unwell

...collect $200

...doesn't care for people judging people in his name

... would be pissed at what people say he wants them to do

Buddha... mindfulness

My dream last night...
...involved being mocked for having to get up

Today I ate... BBQ left overs

Sometimes I swear...
...that I'm older than I am

As a child, I...
...thought I would have it all by now

The world could do with less...

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